A parish magazine - but on steroids!
Eleven parishes (five St Marys, two All Saints and a sprinkling of saintly Others); pastoral messages, church services, flowers, fetes and festivals - the stuff of village life for hundreds of years - but much, much more: weather analysis, sports reports, bite-sized history, gardening notes, Green notes, no-nonsense news from Unity Health, reality checks from the farm gate, household tips, diary dates - and 28 packed pages of advertisements, from accountants to yoga teachers. Forget fussing around on Facebook or throwing yourself into the bottomless pit of Google; just look in the Bernwode News for genuinely local businesses and services.
Managed and edited by volunteers, distributed free to nearly 2000 subscribers (250 in Brill), sold in local shops, self-financing with a little leftover for a portfolio of hand-picked charities; the Bernwode News is a community success story of 40 years standing. Perhaps the founders had an inkling of this success when they initiated the depositing of copies in two important archives: the Buckinghamshire Archives and the internationally renowned Bodleian Archives in Oxford. Goodness knows what the historians of 100 years hence will make of our flower shows, fetes and endless dog poo complaints!
The Bernwode News needs YOU!

Time goes by and Bernwode News volunteers come and go, so new input and ideas are always welcome. Most needed right now, energetic people to -
- set-up and manage a Facebook page
- attract new advertisers
- organise distribution in Brill, and drum up new subscribers (this won’t be hard; there have been so many wonderful newcomers in recent months!)
To get involved, or to arrange a subscription and free home delivery phone him at david.chetham@bernwodebenefice.com on 01844 239197.