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The next 7 days...

Wednesday, 12 February

9:30 am: Bernwode Rural Shed
Brill Vicarage
9:30 am: Wednesday Café
Brill URC
12:00 pm: Benefice midweek Holy Communion, followed by a soup lunch and chat
12:30 pm: Midweek soup lunch and chat

Saturday, 15 February

3rd Sunday before Lent

9:00 am: Brill community market
In the market, on the Green.

Sunday, 16 February

10:30 am: Holy Communion (BCP)
10:30 am: Walking Church
Meet in the churchyard.
4:00 pm: All Age Holy Communion
6:00 pm: Livestream evening service
Benefice internet service
On-line live service
6:00 pm: Evening prayer at the URC
in the URC

Monday, 17 February

9:00 am: Small Saints baby & toddler group
11:00 am: Memory Lane Cafe
All Saints Church

Tuesday, 18 February

10:00 am: Lego Club

Wednesday, 19 February

9:30 am: Bernwode Rural Shed
Brill Vicarage
9:30 am: Wednesday Café
Brill URC
12:00 pm: Benefice midweek Holy Communion, followed by a soup lunch and chat
12:30 pm: Midweek soup lunch and chat

Join us for a short service of Compline

Each Sunday at 6pm.

You can join either using the internet or by telephone.

Click here for joining instructions.

The Benefice in brief

We have a variety of activities for everyone:

  • Our church services cover everything from the more formal services, in traditional or modern language, to our weekly informal services
  • Friday Club is an after schools activity group held every Friday in term-time.
  • The choir add their music to worship once a month and at festivals
  • and don't forget other activities such as the coffee morning for a social gathering or the bell ringers providing a music summons to worship.

Our Rector, Gemma and Associate Minister, Jenny, lead us in our worship, fellowship and growth as a Benefice.   Please feel free  if you want to talk to them about anything:  personal (for example, about a baptism, wedding or funeral or something personal or spiritual) or something around the benefice (for example, services, home groups, etc) or just to talk.  

For matters concerning a specific parish (such as events, the registers, etc) please contact the appropriate churchwarden in the first instance (see who's who) or feel free to contact us.

Find out what is going on in the area and take a look at the parish pages.