In troubled times

Let us pray for the life of the church and of the world. 


Lord God, we see the plans and strategies of nations tuned upside down and running amuck.   So we pray for your world.

We pray for world leaders that your presence and light may flow through their hearts and souls.  

We pray for the Ukraine and for Russia, for those with authority in those countries.  

We pray for the reactions and actions of the rest of the world, leaders and people alike. 

We pray for those who stand up for what they believe is right.

Lord shine as light in the darkness.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer


Lord God, we pray for innocent victims: victims of circumstance beyond their control.  
We pray for those who have lost family and friends.

We pray for those who have lost home and livelihood for whatever reason.

We pray for those who live in fear.

We pray for all those going to their aid and helping them that your love may flow through them.

We pray for your guidance on what we can do to help.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer


Lord God, we pray for your church, that your life giving water may flow through it and out in the world.

We pray for those who have lost faith.

We pray for those who are searching for you, not knowing where to find you.

We pray for our spiritual leaders, for their inspiration and guidance.

We pray for ourselves in the work we can do for you.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer


Finally, Lord God, we pray for ourselves, our families and friends.                     
We pray for your light to guide us,
We pray for your strength to uphold us,
We pray for your spirit within us, the water that gives us life.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer


Merciful Father, accept our prayers and fulfil them as may be best for both those we have prayed for and for ourselves.   This we ask through the love of your son, our saviour Jesus Christ.  Amen.