Please feel free to contact us for almost any subject. Gemma and Jenny will be always happy to listen, to talk or to counsel. Or you can send us a message using the contact form.
Baptism is one of the principle sacraments of the Church of England. We welcome everyone to baptism: babies, children, adults. To explore more about what baptism means, please talk to Gemma or have a look at this page for child christenings, or this page for adult baptism. |
Confirmation marks the point in the Christian journey where those who have been baptised affirm their faith for themselves. If you think that you have reached this point and have yet to be confirmed, or even just want to know more, please talk to Gemma or take a look at this page. |
You're welcome to marry in church whatever your beliefs, whether or not you are baptised and whether or not you go to church. Whether you're just dreaming of a church wedding, or well into the planning already, we want to help and support you. Just have a quick chat with Gemma or go to a special page on your church wedding. |
A funeral marks the close of a human life on earth. It is the opportunity for friends and family to express their grief, to give thanks for the life which has now completed its journey in this world and to commend the person into God's keeping. Please call Jenny to discuss. |