Mothering Sunday (based on the hymn "Now thank we all our God")

Today’s prayers are based around the hymn “Now thank we all our God”.


Now thank we all our God, with hearts and hands and voices, who wonderous things hath done, in whom this world rejoices; who from our mother’s arms has blest us on our way with countless gifts of love, and still is ours today.


We thank you, Lord, for our homes and those who have looked after us and made us what we are: for our parents, our families and friends.  And today we say an especially thank you for all mothers.  But we recognise that there are those who have trouble acknowledging the good in others who have influenced them.   Help them to recognize the positives in what they have become from that influence that has built them up.  Help us all to build on what we are, so that we may pass your influence onto our families, friends and neighbours.

Heavenly Father:  hear our prayer.


O may this bounteous God through all our life be near us;  With ever joyful hearts and blessed peace to cheer us.

But not just us, Lord, but be with everyone who needs your presence.   Be with those who feel lost, unloved, or left behind.   Be with those, we ask, who feel that they have lost faith in a bounteous God.   Especially we pray for the mothers, the fathers and the children in the Ukraine.  We pray for all who support them.   We pray for all families in distress.   And we pray for your presence with us that we may recognize what we can do to support all your children in distress wherever they may be, and to help them bring back the cheer of your presence in their lives.

Heavenly Father:  hear our prayer.


And keep us in his grace and guide us when perplexed. 

We ask for help on all those who are confused or distressed by the uncertainty that surrounds us every day.   We pray for those who are frightened.   Help us to help them in the best way we can.

Heavenly Father:  hear our prayer.


And free us from all ills in this world and the next.

We pray for those who are ill, whether physically under the weather, emotionally distressed or facing mental problems.   We ask you grace and guidance to all of them.  And we ask your blessing and strength to all those who look after them and support them. 

We also ask your grace and love on those who have lost loved ones and mourn their loss.   Stand by them in their sadness and fill the hole left behind with loving memories blessed by you. 

Heavenly Father:  hear our prayer.


All praise and thanks to God and Father now be given.

Hear our prayers, we ask, and be with both those we have prayed for and with us.   Help us never to forget you, both now and the life to come, so that we may sing this hymn of thanks with the choirs of heaven to the one eternal God whom earth and heaven adore, for thus it was, is now and shall be every more.  Amen