A safe place to be yourself;
a safe place to be different.
Look around the world: look at the many diverse members of the one church of God. We, in the Bernwode Benefice want to embrace that diversity in whatever form it takes.
Jesus welcomed everyone. He never turned away from anyone; rather it was people who turned away from him. So feel free to make our churches places where you can be yourself: a safe place where you can be different.
And do talk to someone if you want to: Gemma or Jenny, like the rest of us, are ready to welcome you.

Useful links
Transfiguration (works as a double act)
The Transfiguration – intercessions Year A
Let us pray that the power of the transfiguration of Jesus may help lighten and transform our church, our world and ourselves into beings that are ever more Christlike.
After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John …, and led them up a high mountain.
Autumn (Proper 24 year A)
Intercessions 18 October 2020
Lord of the Sabbath, we have gathered here to praise you and pray to you on this autumn evening. The evenings are drawing in, the mists rise, the colours change. We ask your blessing on us and all people as the season changes. Let that change bring renewal to us all. And we ask you to hear our prayers as we bring to you the needs of the world, our communities and ourselves.
Autumn (Proper 23 year C)
Proper 23 C intercessions 9 October 2022
In these prayers I will say a short introduction and then leave time for your prayers. Except the last one, these prayers are in couples: one of thanks, the other a petition.
Walks around Ashendon (used for Trinity 7 / Proper 11 year B)
Intercessions Trinity 7
Some of you will know that I go for a walk each weekday morning, before I start work, in the fields around Ashendon. And this set me thinking that my walks make a good theme for our prayers today.
Pond intercessions
Intercessions – the Pond (adapted from John Pritchard’s Circles of Prayer)
For these intercessions, I would like you to close your eyes and imagine a pond. It is a sunny day and the pond is still, reflecting the trees and the sky above.
Worried? Concerned about someone? Need help?
The Bernwode Prayer Group is a small gathering of Christians who use the power of prayer for those needing help. Tell us about your concern or worry and we will offer it to the Lord in prayer.
Click here to ask for a prayer.
The Bible
Daily Lyfe (readings)